Our Baby Boy

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, November 13, 2011

# 1

I have been really thinking about certain things I would like to accomplish or try to do through-out this deployment. Yes, I already have a lot on my plate with my husband being gone, going to have a baby in February, holidays, etc.. But- I can't help with wanting to stay busy look back and see the things I did. Some of things I post might be silly but to me they mean something and I know they will make me feel good about myself. So, I have decided to post when something comes to mind and or every week something new.

A part of this has something to do with my husband as well. I know how proud of me he ALREADY is but, I know how happy it makes him to know I am staying active and doing things for ME.

So my first one, dont laugh... It's going to be I am going to "try" to grow out my nails. ( I told you, these might be silly ) !!!!!

I have always had a horrible habit with biting my fingernails and my husband despises when he looks at my nails and they aren't pretty and honestly, I do too. I mean, come on; I'm a girl and I should have pretty nails. You would think all those times I spent at the nail parlor, inhaling chemicals and spending crazy amounts of money on fake nails that I would get the hint that nails are a must and every girl should have painted and somewhat long nails but nope, I bit those off too.

So, here is my first goal-

  1. GROW THOSE NAILS OUT!!  I mean, the prenatal's are practically giving me a head start..

Wish me luck xoxo. 

- Also, any advice is appreciated. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Just a daydreamer.

While Tom and I were on his 2 week leave before DDay, we were able to take a trip to Deming, NM to visit his grandparents. Not only were we surprised how well the trip went, we also couldn't believe how IN LOVE we fell for this little town. Being able to meet and visit with his grandparents was such a joy and I am so glad that we decided to take that trip. You don't realize how little you know about life until you sit down with a 90 year old man ( Tom's Grandpa - George ) who can tell you stories for days. Nora, his grandma who has a heart of gold was such a delight to sit down with and get to know. It's been some time now since Tom has been able to see his grandparents and all I can say is I saw a side of my husband that I never knew existed. I remember Nora saying " George hasn't been able to take that smile off of his face since you two got here " and I couldn't help but say the same about Tom.

Within those couple days that we spent there in Deming, we went by a piece of property that Toms dad had gave to him. From the things Tom had told me of this place I really wasn't thinking too much of it. We were just going to go check it out and see what needed to be fixed and to see what we needed to do with it for future ideas (Sell, Invest, Rent etc).. But to our surprise again, we were in awe. As we walked the property ( 5 acres ) and went into the vacant home we suddenly stopped and looked at each other and smiled. Tom looked at me and said " Well? " and I replied with "You don't even need to ask me twice, I love this place, It's home ". In that moment I could tell both of our wheels were turning as in just how we could make this work. We weren't just looking at the property to make sure everything was okay anymore, we were planning where to put things, to bust this wall out, to replace this flooring, to plant this, to grow that.

You see, Tom and I don't have "big" dreams and wants but the things we do want for our future we always wondered just how we were going to do them. We knew land wasn't cheap and buying a home isn't either. But, here we were.. with land, a home and a place we can build our future on. Not just for us, but for our children. Tom kept explaining to me how he wants to be able to take care of his grandparents being that he is the ONLY grandchild and what better way to do that if we lived just down the street from them? The words to describe this situation is, BLESSED & GRATEFUL.

(My Honey on the back porch staring out on the land)

It's amazing how things just fall right into place, isn't it? I am pretty sure that this home is all Tom and I have talked about since we left Deming. We can't stop making plans and can't stop the visions of Colton growing up just the way we have always wanted our children too. So here I am being a Daydreamer. Dreaming away my thoughts of just how our home will turn out and just what we are going to do with the land.

         ( With Grandpa George showing us the types of trees on the property & old barn yard wood chicken coop in the back ) 

I am so blessed to have the kind of love that shares the same appreciation for things that most would think is just a useless piece of dirt. I'm sure most would look at this land and not even think twice about it but, it captured our hearts. So, when Tom gets out this is where we will be heading. I've never lived in a home that I could go back to or a place to call "home". At least not the way I have always wanted to. One thing I always knew though, my heart has always been within a small town, country side, animals, and living on my own land with my husband and children.

The song " The House That Built Me " by Miranda Lambert seriously couldn't relate any more to how I feel right now. The song describes her growing up in a home but even though I am 24 years old, married, and about to have a son; I honestly believe this will be the home that builds me, builds my husband, builds us and our family. It will take a lot of work to get it to just how we want it, and will continue to be worked on with blood and sweat shed day to day for its up-keep but isn't that what a home is about- The memories? I am just ready, so ready to be a whole with my husband and our little boy in Deming,NM and start Living.

Deming, NM


Friday, November 4, 2011

Sending a Care Package, My way!

For a couple days now I have been throwing around many ideas on just how I would love to send out care packages this time around. When I woke up this morning I knew just what would melt my husbands heart ( yes, my Marine is a softy underneath that tough exterior).

Being that this will be Tom's first time being gone and away from family on the "important" holidays I knew that I had to make every single box I send out a little bit more special than just a cardboard box. Some of you don't know my husband and if you do, you still might not know how soft his heart it when it comes to being home. For example; I believe he bragged about my food, my decorating, and the way our home felt like a home to his buddies more than I did to anyone, ever. If there is one thing about my husband that stands out amongst the rest is that he really knows where his heart is, and so do I.

With that said- Hobby Lobby was my choice of destination to stock up on supplies for the packages. First off, that place is evil. I could sit in there all day and probably spend endless amounts of money on decor and art/crafts. I ended up going down the Scrapbooking isle and picked up a bunch of thanksgiving related sheets along with some solid pumpkin orange paper to outline the photos I would be using. Finishing up with some lettering, pens and glue. Oh, I can't forget that I picked up a burgundy bandana. Two things that my husband LOVES when he is in the sand box is a bandana in a zip lock bag drenched in my perfume and the other thing is another zip lock bag with downy lavender dryer sheets ( that's what I use for ours clothes & spray lavender every night before we go to bed ).

I love arts & crafts and they are even better to play with when your making something for the person that you love. A lot of people don't understand how much it means to our women and men when they receive even just a letter. I know how much it warms my husbands heart when he gets something from "Mail Call". It's their lifelines, it's what keeps them motivated and keep them going. After putting everything together, I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. I'm not tooting my own horn or anything but, a lot of love went into this box including with what it was packed with.

It's amazing how many memories were brought back to me while putting this box together for Tom. A few times I had to catch myself from shedding a tear and remind myself to be strong. Then again, I am human and I would be lying if I said that this deployment isn't hitting me more each day that passes by. Any deployment there is.. hurts but, when it comes to my husband being gone for the holidays it stings just a little bit more ( at least for me it does ). Holidays aren't just a time of celebration or a stressful decision on what your going to make for Christmas dinner. Coming from my family, it's a feeling and experience you just can't put into words when all of my family members get around each other.. The closest word I can even think of to describe it would be, Magical. Therefore, having my husband gone during these times is just not ideal but it is something I am thankful my family understand and are there to help me through it ( coming from a military family ). As we sit around these up coming holidays our eyes will swell up from my Grandpa's prayers that he gives before every dinner and I hope and pray my husband will feel that same kind of comfort when he opens up these boxes I send to him... That's sending a care package, My Way!

God Bless & Semper Fi.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

And the countdown... begins

Being that my life has been pretty crazy the last couple months it has led me to neglect the blogging world. Tonight is different, something out there in the universe is pushing me to vent a little ( or maybe a lot ). So, here goes it.

A LOT has been going on in my life and I, myself am having a hard time wrapping my fingers around it all. As of today I am 6 months and 2 days and Colton is growing like a weed. My tummy gets bigger and bigger every single day and he is kicking, I think we might just have a pro soccer player in there.

As most of you already know, I am Marine Wife. Recently I had to do the one thing that any Military Wife dreads doing. That's right, the 10 letter word that makes everyone cringe at the knees and makes the heart sink to the bottomless pit of your stomach, Deployment. I can't begin to explain how stressful life is when you find out how much you have to do in so little time and when all is said and done your last days are spent trying to figure out where did all the time go and how are you going make up for time lost with each other. We finally sat down with each other to take a breather and take each other in the day before he left. It might have only been for 3 hours but I am grateful that I got to lay next to my husband in his arms, colton kicking, and take in the last moments we had with each other until he returns; even it was for a short period of time.

"Time is ever on the move and once gone, it will never return" - How this quote hits me pretty hard these days. If it's anything that I have learned while being married into the Military and has drilled deep into my heart is that "Time Is Precious".. I look back on my life before Tom and I married and shake my head at the moments I took for granted and for the time I waisted. If it wasn't for the fact that I have to let the military take my husband far away from his family for a long time and know the sacrifices we both have to make, I would honestly probably still be waisting precious time. I am just grateful I know how to spend my every last second of the day.. and the only word that can really describe the way I spend it these days is, LOVE.

With all of that being said, my countdowns are on. The clock is ticking away and I have two amazing surprises coming my way.

I get to experience becoming a mother to a beautiful baby boy. Even though my husband will not be there with me ( and god knows how much this weakens my heart because he is my strength ) I will be strong and have his picture right next to me as our son is being brought into this world. I know Tom will be there with me in heart and spirit holding my hand and telling me " Honey, you've got this ".

And probably the most heart-felt moment of my life a moment I will NEVER forget. The day my husband steps off that bus and I run up to him with Colton in my arms and suddenly the world stops and father meets his son. And, how lucky am I to experience a kiss that literally knocks you straight off your feet. A kiss that you wait so many months for? I'm a pretty lucky gal if I say so myself.

With that kind of love, I am forever fulfilled for the rest of my life.

God Bless Everyone..
Thomas, My love if your reading this; Coltie and I love and miss you, terribly.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Clean bill of health . . .

Today was the big 18-20 week appointment for Colton. I have to admit I had to prepare myself a couple of days in advanced for this and still last night I wasn't ready for it. I always seem to do this to myself, I work myself up and then when it's all over and done with, I just shake my head wondering what I worried about. Hearing the words my doctor that they are going to check his organs and make sure he is growing properly just made my heart tremble. Not because I didn't want to know the truth but that it made me start to worry about my little boy. I didn't know what to expect and I also didn't have Tom right by my side in the event if there WAS something to be concerned about.

I talked to Colton last night before I went to bed and prayed that he would prove me wrong and show the doctors that he is as healthy as a horse. I'm so glad he already listens (giggles) because just seeing him on the screen jumping and flipping put my heart and soul at such ease. At that point of time I wasn't concerned at what the doctor had to do to look at his anatomy I was just in awe at how active he was. It was like he was saying " Mama, I'm okay ". I swear when the lady started pointing out everything to me with his body I must have asked a million questions. Yes folks, I am THAT person, the person who has to ask questions to be put at ease and I might just ask them again.

So after all is said and done the doctor gives Colton a Clean Bill Of Health. And, I couldn't be more happier. I couldn't wait to get home and share the news with Tom and when I did, his words were "That's My Boy". I know it's hard on him that he can't be here to share all of this with me but I know God wont put anything in our life that we cannot handle. So here I am looking over and over again at the picture of my beautiful little Colt and trying to already pick out who's facial features he has. I might sound biased but he is the most beautiful little ultrasound baby I have seen. You're daddy and I love you so much little one.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Such a blessing.. Such a gift...

Howdy Ladies & Gents,

I know it's been some time now since I have updated my blog, sorry folks. Better late then never though eh? For those who follow me I am sure you notice that my layout is different. I thought since it is fall and thats my favorite season right next to winter, I would dazzle up my blog to match.

There has been so much going on from when I last posted about my yummy stuffed chicken. I keep my Facebook pretty updated with the news but for those who don't really keep in tune with that, let me share with you some juicy stuff. For starters and most exciting- Tom and I are pregnant with our first child and he will hopefully be making his beautiful apperance on Feb 22nd. Yes, that's right- I said "HE". It was such an amazing feeling to know we will be having a little boy. Even though Tom has not been able to be here through the start of the pregnancy and will continue to be gone until our baby is about 3-4 months old, he is still the happiest daddy from a-far. I get a lot of question's into how I can do this without my husband right by myside and my only answer is, "I am a Marine Wife".. But please, don't take me for a women of steal. I most certainly have my moments where I think that same thing but if you have the family support and the most unconditional love and strength from a husand as I do, you would just "do", as I do. Wow, that's a lot of DO's.. Maybe that's what my life is like now, You Just Do! I kind of like that.

Back to our little boy though, he's way too important to forget. As of right now I am 18 weeks and loving every growth spurt this little boy is going through. I get up every morning and the first thing I do ( besides roll myself out of bed, slowly ) is run to the bathroom to see if my tummy has grown. Can you tell I am excited? I haven't felt any kicks yet but when I lay silently in bed at night and read to him I can feel certain flutters by each of my sides. I can't wait to feel those movements and I am praying that he will start kicking like crazy before Tom leaves for a very long time. Some say that those kicks can get pretty crazy but I say, GET CRAZY LITTLE ONE!! I want your daddy to feel you as much as possible before he goes.

Y'all are probably wondering if Tom and I have picked out a name for our little boy... And the answer is, well of course!! His name will be Colton Kenneth Runyan. It just sounded perfect when Tom and I put it together. There is so much meaning behind our little boys name. I can't wait til our "Little Colt" is here. If he only knew how much he is already loved.

Well, I am sure some other news will be feeding into my brain here soon and I will be updating in full force. I can't leave ya hangin'.

Much Love.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken ( Cilantro or Chives )

I have been getting asked where I get these recipes from and to answer everyone's questions- These recipes are all my own. I create them all myself-

- This dinner turned out WAY better than I thought because this was my FIRST time trying to stuff a chicken breast. My husband gobbled it all up, I had to stop him from running for the next piece so he had enough to take to work for lunch- Hopefully y'all will enjoy this delicious dinner as much as we did..

 The Things You're Going To Need
  1. 3 chicken breast
  2. 1 packet of Chicken Shake & Bake
  3. Cream Cheese ( 8 oz )
  4. Creole seasoning ( 2 teaspoons )
  5. Handful of Cilantro and Chives
  6. Butter ( 4 tablespoons )
  7. Extra virgin olive oil ( 2 tablespoons )
  8. Foil
  9. Oven-proof pan ( I use glass )
Preheat oven at 350.

I always soak my chicken in water a little bit before I start to cut away on them. After you let them soak for a couple mins, take each breast out and slice a big enough opening to stuff your mixture into. You're opening can be as big as you want it, and anywhere you decide.

Take your 1 packet of Shake & Bake, add your creole seasoning into the premade mix. Put your chicken into the bag and shake away.

After you have your chicken all coated, your going to put aside then take your chives and cilantro- wash them off  ( mine came from my garden, so fresh ). Chop them both into fine pieces (separately) and put them off to the side.

In a bowl you will want to add in 4 oz of the cream cheese. Take a spoon and mash the cream cheese until it's soft. Add in your chives and mix together till it makes a smooth paste.

You will want to take a spoon, start stuffing your chicken with the paste. I had 3 chicken breast so I did two with the chives. -

When done with the chive paste, repeat again but with the cilantro and cream cheese. I put the cilantro mixture in 1 chicken breast. You can choose however you want which mixture you want in the chicken breast.

After all of your chicken breasts are stuffed, you want to take your pan and put your 2 tablespoons of EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) at the bottom. Take your pan, shake it around so the oil gets all over the bottom.

Put the chicken in the pan, take the remainder of the shake and bake and spread it across the top of the chicken.

With your chicken sitting in your pan you will want to take your 4 tablespoons of butter and put 1 tables spoon between each chicken, ( which makes four ) - Picture below to show.

Now that your chicken is ready to be cooked, put some foil on top and pop it in the oven for 1 hr and 30 mins.

When your chicken is done cooking, take out and let sit for about 10-15 mins still covered so the chicken can gather up all those delicious flavors floating around. When done, cut away and enjoy the juicy, tender, full of flavor stuffed chicken.

I decided to add 1 more thing to this blog. With this dinner I decided to make a easy make pasta dish.

 This is very simple-

You're going to need
- Angel hair pasta
- 1 teaspoon of EVOO
- 1 McCormick Pesto Packet
- Milk (1/2 cup)
- Handful of fresh Sweet Basil Leaves. ( chopped )
- Large boiling pot
- Small pot

Fill your pot of 1/2 way with water. While waiting for the water to boil drop your 1 teaspoon of EVOO in. ( It helps the noodles from not sticking ).

When water comes to a boil, drop as much pasta as you want it, it always makes a lot. Boil for 10 mins or however long it takes to soften your pasta. Then, Drain. Put back in pot when drained.

Take your small pot, put your pesto packet in along with your 1/2 cup of milk let boil and then take off heat after boil.

Cut up your sweet basil, stir into the pesto sauce. Let sit for 5 mins.

After, stir pesto/ sweet basil sauce in your angel hair pasta. - Mix and your done!

Happy Tuesday Everyone :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Creamy Enchilada Tacos

Being that my husband and I are taco lovers, we always use ground beef or ground turkey but this time we decided to use pork chops. It was one of those days where we didn't have anything set out or planned to make. I sat down on the kitchen floor and reached into my cupboard and just started pulling out cans. First we wanted to make some Chili Verde but being me I always throw things together and somehow they always turn out delicious.  These tacos have the perfect taste and just the right temperature not to burn your mouth with spiciness. But, then again we like our stuff HOT

You will need - -

Crock Pot Ingredients
  • 3 /  1inch  boneless pork chops - Cut into 1 inch cubes
  • 1 can of Mexicorn
  • 1 can of Ranch Style Pinto Beans w/ Jalapenos
  • 1 can of Mexican Lime & Cilantro Rotel ( Hot)
  • 3 cans of diced green chilies ( Mild )
  • 1 whole onion (diced)
  • 1 1/2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of creole seasons
  • 1/2 of a packet of McCormick taco seasoning (mild)
  • Handful of Cilantro
After you have all of these ingredients you will want to add of them together EXCEPT for the Cilantro. You will cook on High for 4 hours.

30 mins before serving you will want to take 1/2 of the handful of the Cilantro and add to the mixture in the crock pot.

Cream Mixture
  • 16 ounces of Sour Cream
  • 1 bag of McCormick Mild Taco Seasoning
Mix together. Let chill until your 4 hours in the crock pot is done.

When everything in the crock pot is done this is going to be where you are going to have to eyeball just how much you want to be mixed together. I took another bowl and transferred some of the crock mix and some of the cream mix together. I left some of the crock pot mixture alone to have as a soup later. It's up to you if you want to use ALL of it or use it for a soup, it's very good.

With your mixture mixed, start heating up your tortillas. My husband and I use these, we LOVE them. Hopefully you will too.

Tortillas heated, on a plate. Drop a couple tablespoons of combined mixture, add cheese on top, some cilantro and then if wanted some more HEAT drizzle some Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce on top. For those who have no idea what it is, here's a picture:

Roll it on up, and ENJOY. They are going to be a little messy so make sure you don't have a white shirt on and keep a couple of napkins on hand.

Also, I'd like to get a huge dedication for this post to my Mother.
Happy Mothers Day, Mama. I get my passion for cooking from my mama. Sure don't know where I would be today without her. I love you, Mom.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Slice Of Heaven On A Patio

"One is nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth"

Living in California I have been blessed to be able to grow myself a garden. Up above are just some of the plants I have growing out on my patio. I always thought I wouldn't be into gardening due to the fact I am not the most patient person out there. But, to watch them grow from a single stem to a plant that not only smells great but supplies you with food is well worth the wait.

In my garden I am growing Garlic Chives, Rosemary, Blue Lavender, Sweet Basil, Green Chives, Cilantro, Parsley, Anahiem Peppers, Jalapenos and Green Bell Peppers. Oh, I can't forget about the new addition I just started growing by seed- Radishes. I talk very highly of my garden, simply because they have been doing so well- I'm a proud mama (hehe).

My husband and I love SALSA. And, we like ours hot hot hot and spicy. I am really excited for my peppers to be fully grown to start making our own salsa and share with y'all. So far I have 4 Anahiems growing, every single day they grow more and more. The other two are taking their sweet time.

Oh My Gee, I forgot to introduce you to...

Him and his friends hang out every morning and night on the patio. My husband at first looked at me like I was nuts but now every morning before he heads off to work he tells me Charlies outside. (Such a softy)..

Blueberry Cookie / Scone Recipe

This week I decided to bake something new and colorful. My husband LOVES blueberries so decided to make my own cookie dough with blueberries and a hint of flavor (yum!). Not only are these delicious they are fun to make.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  • 2 cups of flour.  ( I use King Arthur Unbleached Flour )
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 stick or 1/2 cup of unsalted butter ( You will want to soften your butter )
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 egg yoke ( I use cage free brown organic eggs ONLY )
  • 1/3 cup of whole milk
  • 1 teaspoon of almond extract
  • 2 teaspoon of lemon zest or 2 teaspoon of orange zest (optional)
  • 1 cup of thawed and drained blueberries.
Now, when you have all of your ingredients.  In one bowl combine the flour, baking powder and salt.

In another bowl combine together your butter and sugars using a mixer. Add your egg then your milk, almond extract and whichever zest you perfer.

Combine the dry ingredients into the wet. Add blueberries.

On your cookie sheet spread olive oil with a napkin to smooth the surface. -

Take a spoon and dollop mix onto a cookie sheet. Bake them for about 10-15 mins.

- If you want your cookie/scones to be moist cook for 10 mins- If you want a little bit dryer cook for 15 mins.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Its In The Name..

I'd like to make my first post about how I came up with the title of this blog. Why? Because, I think titles are almost like first impressions. To me, my title has a lot of meaning to it. If some of you don't already know, Seashell was a childhood name gave to me from my Grandpa Burruss. Chelsea wasn't the easiest word for him to say so I became his Seashell. 
 If you look more into detail Seashell actually goes along quite well with my birth given name.
Within the definition of the name Chelsea one of them is A Port Of Ships/Sea,Ocean. I found this rather interesting and I am pretty sure my grandpa had no clue that they both had something in common.

A lot of people when talking about a certain subject they will say " That's all in a Nutshell ". As for me, this is all in a Seashell. My grandpa is gone now and has been for some time now but we had a connection and bond that was so special. He will always be apart of me and I can't thank him enough for giving me such a beautiful name, a name he probably never knew would mean such a great deal to me.