Our Baby Boy

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, September 23, 2011

Clean bill of health . . .

Today was the big 18-20 week appointment for Colton. I have to admit I had to prepare myself a couple of days in advanced for this and still last night I wasn't ready for it. I always seem to do this to myself, I work myself up and then when it's all over and done with, I just shake my head wondering what I worried about. Hearing the words my doctor that they are going to check his organs and make sure he is growing properly just made my heart tremble. Not because I didn't want to know the truth but that it made me start to worry about my little boy. I didn't know what to expect and I also didn't have Tom right by my side in the event if there WAS something to be concerned about.

I talked to Colton last night before I went to bed and prayed that he would prove me wrong and show the doctors that he is as healthy as a horse. I'm so glad he already listens (giggles) because just seeing him on the screen jumping and flipping put my heart and soul at such ease. At that point of time I wasn't concerned at what the doctor had to do to look at his anatomy I was just in awe at how active he was. It was like he was saying " Mama, I'm okay ". I swear when the lady started pointing out everything to me with his body I must have asked a million questions. Yes folks, I am THAT person, the person who has to ask questions to be put at ease and I might just ask them again.

So after all is said and done the doctor gives Colton a Clean Bill Of Health. And, I couldn't be more happier. I couldn't wait to get home and share the news with Tom and when I did, his words were "That's My Boy". I know it's hard on him that he can't be here to share all of this with me but I know God wont put anything in our life that we cannot handle. So here I am looking over and over again at the picture of my beautiful little Colt and trying to already pick out who's facial features he has. I might sound biased but he is the most beautiful little ultrasound baby I have seen. You're daddy and I love you so much little one.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Such a blessing.. Such a gift...

Howdy Ladies & Gents,

I know it's been some time now since I have updated my blog, sorry folks. Better late then never though eh? For those who follow me I am sure you notice that my layout is different. I thought since it is fall and thats my favorite season right next to winter, I would dazzle up my blog to match.

There has been so much going on from when I last posted about my yummy stuffed chicken. I keep my Facebook pretty updated with the news but for those who don't really keep in tune with that, let me share with you some juicy stuff. For starters and most exciting- Tom and I are pregnant with our first child and he will hopefully be making his beautiful apperance on Feb 22nd. Yes, that's right- I said "HE". It was such an amazing feeling to know we will be having a little boy. Even though Tom has not been able to be here through the start of the pregnancy and will continue to be gone until our baby is about 3-4 months old, he is still the happiest daddy from a-far. I get a lot of question's into how I can do this without my husband right by myside and my only answer is, "I am a Marine Wife".. But please, don't take me for a women of steal. I most certainly have my moments where I think that same thing but if you have the family support and the most unconditional love and strength from a husand as I do, you would just "do", as I do. Wow, that's a lot of DO's.. Maybe that's what my life is like now, You Just Do! I kind of like that.

Back to our little boy though, he's way too important to forget. As of right now I am 18 weeks and loving every growth spurt this little boy is going through. I get up every morning and the first thing I do ( besides roll myself out of bed, slowly ) is run to the bathroom to see if my tummy has grown. Can you tell I am excited? I haven't felt any kicks yet but when I lay silently in bed at night and read to him I can feel certain flutters by each of my sides. I can't wait to feel those movements and I am praying that he will start kicking like crazy before Tom leaves for a very long time. Some say that those kicks can get pretty crazy but I say, GET CRAZY LITTLE ONE!! I want your daddy to feel you as much as possible before he goes.

Y'all are probably wondering if Tom and I have picked out a name for our little boy... And the answer is, well of course!! His name will be Colton Kenneth Runyan. It just sounded perfect when Tom and I put it together. There is so much meaning behind our little boys name. I can't wait til our "Little Colt" is here. If he only knew how much he is already loved.

Well, I am sure some other news will be feeding into my brain here soon and I will be updating in full force. I can't leave ya hangin'.

Much Love.